The Great House FundRaising, Inc.

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There are ways of God that can only be learned when you do it God's way. Let's read,
“Then the eighth angel with a golden incense burner came and took his place at the incense altar. He was given a great quantity of incense to offer up, consisting of the prayers of God’s holy people, upon the golden altar that is before the throne. And the smoke of the incense with the prayers of the holy ones billowed up before God from the hand of the angel. Then the angel filled the golden incense burner with coals of fire from the altar and hurled it onto the earth, releasing great peals of thunder, voices, lightning flashes, and an earthquake.”

though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; and being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him; called of God a high priest after the order of Melchisedec.

Hebrews 5:7-9 expands on Jesus' dual identities as Son of God and High Priest. Part of Jesus' priestly service involved offering up prayers and supplications while identifying fully with humanity (5:7a; note how the technical term “offer up” was also used in 5:1,3 in connection to human priestly service).

Jesus says when you stand praying believe. He says when you stand praying forgive. He indicates that all prayer is a stance. It is mainly in contact communication with the Father. Therefore, men and women are always supposed to pray, not faint, or give up. Prayer is fervent, prayer is business, prayer is engagement and prayer gets things done. Prayer implicates the guilty and liberates the children of God. Join us.

Revelation 8:3-5 TPT
Hebrews 5:7-9
Hebrews 5: 8-10

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Dios les Bendiga

It takes honor to manifest the Remedies for your Maladies Today, many people live on managed care of doctors and pharmaceuticals but Jesus Christ wants them cured and healed. You need to be cured and not setback, you are not a set-aside! Your cure is intrinsically connected to your faith. Let’s look at this Proverb of Israel “Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the wound of my people?”

Well why is there no cure for maladies; “But they mocked the messengers of God, and despised his words, and misused his prophets, until the wrath of the Lord arose against his people, till there was no remedy”.

23 And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself: whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country. 24 And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country.

Jeremiah 8:22 (NIV)
2 Chronicles 16:12
2 Chronicles 36: 14-16
Luke 4:21 -29

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The Lord has commanded us to abound and increase but impurity and immorality cause people to die. God has called us to sanctification and holiness. He wants us to follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. Let us move forward into this great calling.

Matt 10: 1
1 Thessalonians 4: 3-7
Luke 4:21 -29
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Jubilante …is the spirit of acceptance. It is the joy on intercession and raise any dead life. There’s a spirit in man and it’s the Almighty that gives us understanding. It’s available now on ... See MoreSee Less

Jubilante …is the spirit of acceptance. It is the joy on intercession and raise any dead life.  There’s a spirit in man and it’s the Almighty that gives us understanding. It’s available now on
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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago


2 years ago

We have to be married to Jesus Christ if we’re to be a true bride who is engaged to one husband lest Satan deceive us. This unfaithfulness allows the evil one to undermine the church and all that we are involved with. Let’s stand firm and United with one mind and enter our covenant contract with the Lord. Let us Worship Him.
Acts 2:1
Acts 5:2
1 Corinthians 1: 10-17
Ephesians 4: 1-16

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2 years ago

Global Prayer For Russia Pt. 2 ... See MoreSee Less

3 years ago
The HPN TV ... See MoreSee Less
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2 years ago

We have to be married to Jesus Christ if we’re to be a true bride who is engaged to one husband lest Satan deceive us. This unfaithfulness allows the evil one to undermine the church and all that we are involved with. Let’s stand firm and United with one mind and enter our covenant contract with the Lord. Let us Worship Him.
Acts 2:1
Acts 5:2
1 Corinthians 1: 10-17
Ephesians 4: 1-16

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I’m inviting our friends, families, partners and associates to continue our prayer and fasting for President Vladimir Putin and the people of Russia. We’ll be having a communion-meal at First Watch on University Ave in Orlando June 6th for 90 people seated. Mark that Day. So planned to be there with us. Stay tune for more details. ... See MoreSee Less

2 years ago

THE HAND OF THE BRUTUAL IS BROKEN. This is vision of the Lord against the people of the Ukraine. The right hand of the Lord is exalted, the right hand of the Lord is exalted, therefore, we shall not die but live and declare the Name of the Lord. I was before the Lord when I saw a hand, a hand of malice, a hand of ill gotten gain and the hand was broken. Then the Lord, tturned the image, and show me that the hand of Russia, that was formed in haste and out of anxiety shall be broken by the Lord in this manner. The decision of the Russian was a weapon formed in fire but in order for it to cool properly, they had to put it in water in a bucket but their fears and anxiety, an refusal to make the Ukrainians beneficiary of their futures, they became hostile and deceptive. This then is what I saw, the former(maker, framer) of the weapon placed it in the freezer to cool it fast, to use it quick, against his neighbour but when he used it with brute force, it broke and fell to the ground as the hand of a broken idol. Russia because of the spirit of regret and covetousness shall benefit by paying more to the Ukraine that it had to. It will be a burden on them and Putin's hand will be broken by the Lord. He has lifted up his hand against the righteous and has leaned on arm of the wicked, laying his head on the shoulder of his enemies and he shall fail. ... See MoreSee Less

2 years ago

Welcome to the chamber where we engage with the Father through His Son Jesus Christ. This prayer meeting is for all. Tonight we are engaging in 14 days of prayer and fasting. God says, it is for our health and well being. Now we turn this channel of prayer over to praying and interceding for President Vladimir Putin and the nation of Russia. Join us. ... See MoreSee Less

2 years ago

THE HAND OF THE BRUTUAL IS BROKEN. This is vision of the Lord against the enemy of the people of the Ukraine. The right hand of the Lord is exalted, the right hand of the Lord is exalted, therefore, we shall not die but live and declare the Name of the Lord. I was before the Lord when I saw a hand, a hand of malice, a hand of ill gotten gain and the hand was broken. Then the Lord, tturned the image, and show me that the hand of Russia, that was formed in haste and out of anxiety shall be broken by the Lord in this manner. The decision of the Russian was a weapon formed in fire but in order for it to cool properly, they had to put it in water in a bucket but their fears and anxiety, an refusal to make the Ukrainians beneficiary of their futures, they became hostile and deceptive. This then is what I saw, the former(maker, framer) of the weapon placed it in the freezer to cool it fast, to use it quick, against his neighbour but when he used it with brute force, it broke and fell to the ground as the hand of a broken idol. Russia because of the spirit of regret and covetousness shall benefit by paying more to the Ukraine that it had to. It will be a burden on them and Putin's hand will be broken by the Lord. He has lifted up his hand against the righteous and has leaned on arm of the wicked, laying his head on the shoulder of his enemies and he shall fail. ... See MoreSee Less

2 years ago

Psalms 27
Proverbs 29: 17
Hebrews 10:19
Today is Palm Sunday and
the Lord said, “When Satan attacks you, you should worship the Lord your God”. It is important that we maintain our stance in life by worshiping the Lord. Be very smart and wise, in these times, “Fight the devil with vision. Fight him with the blood of Jesus. Fight the good fight of faith.

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We have to be married to Jesus Christ if we’re to be a true bride who is engaged to one husband lest Satan deceive us. This unfaithfulness allows the evil one to undermine the church and all that we are involved with. Let’s stand firm and United with one mind and enter our covenant contract with the Lord. Let us Worship Him.
Acts 2:1
Acts 5:2
1 Corinthians 1: 10-17
Ephesians 4: 1-16

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Welcome to the chamber where we engage with the Father through His Son Jesus Christ. This prayer meeting is for all. Tonight we are engaging in 14 days of prayer and fasting. God says, it is for our health and well being. Now we turn this channel of prayer over to praying and interceding for President Vladimir Putin and the nation of Russia. Join us. ... See MoreSee Less

Psalm 78: 15-20, John 1: 11-12, Heb 11: 13, 2 Chron 20: 7-11 ... See MoreSee Less

Psalm 78: 15-20, John 1: 11-12, Heb 11: 13, 2 Chron 20: 7-11 ... See MoreSee Less

... See MoreSee Less

Det 8: 18 ... See MoreSee Less

Det 8: 18 ... See MoreSee Less

Mt 14: 14-36 ... See MoreSee Less

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2 years ago
The Great House Publishing, Inc.

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2 years ago
The Great House Publishing, Inc.


2 years ago
The Great House Publishing, Inc.

We have to be married to Jesus Christ if we’re to be a true bride who is engaged to one husband lest Satan deceive us. This unfaithfulness allows the evil one to undermine the church and all that we are involved with. Let’s stand firm and United with one mind and enter our covenant contract with the Lord. Let us Worship Him.
Acts 2:1
Acts 5:2
1 Corinthians 1: 10-17
Ephesians 4: 1-16

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2 years ago
The Great House Publishing, Inc.

Welcome to the chamber where we engage with the Father through His Son Jesus Christ. This prayer meeting is for all. Tonight we are engaging in 14 days of prayer and fasting. God says, it is for our health and well being. Now we turn this channel of prayer over to praying and interceding for President Vladimir Putin and the nation of Russia. Join us. ... See MoreSee Less

2020 RELEASE...prepare for tomorrow... ... See MoreSee Less

2020 RELEASE...prepare for tomorrow...Image attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment
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2 years ago
The Great House Fundraising

We have to be married to Jesus Christ if we’re to be a true bride who is engaged to one husband lest Satan deceive us. This unfaithfulness allows the evil one to undermine the church and all that we are involved with. Let’s stand firm and United with one mind and enter our covenant contract with the Lord. Let us Worship Him.
Acts 2:1
Acts 5:2
1 Corinthians 1: 10-17
Ephesians 4: 1-16

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2 years ago
The Great House Fundraising

THE HAND OF THE BRUTUAL IS BROKEN. This is vision of the Lord against the people of the Ukraine. The right hand of the Lord is exalted, the right hand of the Lord is exalted, therefore, we shall not die but live and declare the Name of the Lord. I was before the Lord when I saw a hand, a hand of malice, a hand of ill gotten gain and the hand was broken. Then the Lord, tturned the image, and show me that the hand of Russia, that was formed in haste and out of anxiety shall be broken by the Lord in this manner. The decision of the Russian was a weapon formed in fire but in order for it to cool properly, they had to put it in water in a bucket but their fears and anxiety, an refusal to make the Ukrainians beneficiary of their futures, they became hostile and deceptive. This then is what I saw, the former(maker, framer) of the weapon placed it in the freezer to cool it fast, to use it quick, against his neighbour but when he used it with brute force, it broke and fell to the ground as the hand of a broken idol. Russia because of the spirit of regret and covetousness shall benefit by paying more to the Ukraine that it had to. It will be a burden on them and Putin's hand will be broken by the Lord. He has lifted up his hand against the righteous and has leaned on arm of the wicked, laying his head on the shoulder of his enemies and he shall fail. ... See MoreSee Less

2 years ago
The Great House Fundraising

Welcome to the chamber where we engage with the Father through His Son Jesus Christ. This prayer meeting is for all. Tonight we are engaging in 14 days of prayer and fasting. God says, it is for our health and well being. Now we turn this channel of prayer over to praying and interceding for President Vladimir Putin and the nation of Russia. Join us. ... See MoreSee Less

2 years ago
The Great House Fundraising

THE HAND OF THE BRUTUAL IS BROKEN. This is vision of the Lord against the people of the Ukraine. The right hand of the Lord is exalted, the right hand of the Lord is exalted, therefore, we shall not die but live and declare the Name of the Lord. I was before the Lord when I saw a hand, a hand of malice, a hand of ill gotten gain and the hand was broken. Then the Lord, tturned the image, and show me that the hand of Russia, that was formed in haste and out of anxiety shall be broken by the Lord in this manner. The decision of the Russian was a weapon formed in fire but in order for it to cool properly, they had to put it in water in a bucket but their fears and anxiety, an refusal to make the Ukrainians beneficiary of their futures, they became hostile and deceptive. This then is what I saw, the former(maker, framer) of the weapon placed it in the freezer to cool it fast, to use it quick, against his neighbour but when he used it with brute force, it broke and fell to the ground as the hand of a broken idol. Russia because of the spirit of regret and covetousness shall benefit by paying more to the Ukraine that it had to. It will be a burden on them and Putin's hand will be broken by the Lord. He has lifted up his hand against the righteous and has leaned on arm of the wicked, laying his head on the shoulder of his enemies and he shall fail. ... See MoreSee Less

2 years ago
The Great House Fundraising

Psalms 27
Proverbs 29: 17
Hebrews 10:19
Today is Palm Sunday and
the Lord said, “When Satan attacks you, you should worship the Lord your God”. It is important that we maintain our stance in life by worshiping the Lord. Be very smart and wise, in these times, “Fight the devil with vision. Fight him with the blood of Jesus. Fight the good fight of faith.

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Join us ... See MoreSee Less

Here in is love ... See MoreSee Less

Here in is love

We have to be married to Jesus Christ if we’re to be a true bride who is engaged to one husband lest Satan deceive us. This unfaithfulness allows the evil one to undermine the church and all that we are involved with. Let’s stand firm and United with one mind and enter our covenant contract with the Lord. Let us Worship Him.
Acts 2:1
Acts 5:2
1 Corinthians 1: 10-17
Ephesians 4: 1-16

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THE HAND OF THE BRUTUAL IS BROKEN. This is vision of the Lord against the people of the Ukraine. The right hand of the Lord is exalted, the right hand of the Lord is exalted, therefore, we shall not die but live and declare the Name of the Lord. I was before the Lord when I saw a hand, a hand of malice, a hand of ill gotten gain and the hand was broken. Then the Lord, tturned the image, and show me that the hand of Russia, that was formed in haste and out of anxiety shall be broken by the Lord in this manner. The decision of the Russian was a weapon formed in fire but in order for it to cool properly, they had to put it in water in a bucket but their fears and anxiety, an refusal to make the Ukrainians beneficiary of their futures, they became hostile and deceptive. This then is what I saw, the former(maker, framer) of the weapon placed it in the freezer to cool it fast, to use it quick, against his neighbour but when he used it with brute force, it broke and fell to the ground as the hand of a broken idol. Russia because of the spirit of regret and covetousness shall benefit by paying more to the Ukraine that it had to. It will be a burden on them and Putin's hand will be broken by the Lord. He has lifted up his hand against the righteous and has leaned on arm of the wicked, laying his head on the shoulder of his enemies and he shall fail. ... See MoreSee Less

Welcome to the chamber where we engage with the Father through His Son Jesus Christ. This prayer meeting is for all. Tonight we are engaging in 14 days of prayer and fasting. God says, it is for our health and well being. Now we turn this channel of prayer over to praying and interceding for President Vladimir Putin and the nation of Russia. Join us. ... See MoreSee Less

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2 years ago
The Global River

We have to be married to Jesus Christ if we’re to be a true bride who is engaged to one husband lest Satan deceive us. This unfaithfulness allows the evil one to undermine the church and all that we are involved with. Let’s stand firm and United with one mind and enter our covenant contract with the Lord. Let us Worship Him.
Acts 2:1
Acts 5:2
1 Corinthians 1: 10-17
Ephesians 4: 1-16

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2 years ago
The Global River

THE HAND OF THE BRUTUAL IS BROKEN. This is vision of the Lord against the people of the Ukraine. The right hand of the Lord is exalted, the right hand of the Lord is exalted, therefore, we shall not die but live and declare the Name of the Lord. I was before the Lord when I saw a hand, a hand of malice, a hand of ill gotten gain and the hand was broken. Then the Lord, tturned the image, and show me that the hand of Russia, that was formed in haste and out of anxiety shall be broken by the Lord in this manner. The decision of the Russian was a weapon formed in fire but in order for it to cool properly, they had to put it in water in a bucket but their fears and anxiety, an refusal to make the Ukrainians beneficiary of their futures, they became hostile and deceptive. This then is what I saw, the former(maker, framer) of the weapon placed it in the freezer to cool it fast, to use it quick, against his neighbour but when he used it with brute force, it broke and fell to the ground as the hand of a broken idol. Russia because of the spirit of regret and covetousness shall benefit by paying more to the Ukraine that it had to. It will be a burden on them and Putin's hand will be broken by the Lord. He has lifted up his hand against the righteous and has leaned on arm of the wicked, laying his head on the shoulder of his enemies and he shall fail. ... See MoreSee Less

2 years ago
The Global River

Welcome to the chamber where we engage with the Father through His Son Jesus Christ. This prayer meeting is for all. Tonight we are engaging in 14 days of prayer and fasting. God says, it is for our health and well being. Now we turn this channel of prayer over to praying and interceding for President Vladimir Putin and the nation of Russia. Join us. ... See MoreSee Less

2 years ago
The Global River

THE HAND OF THE BRUTUAL IS BROKEN. This is vision of the Lord against the people of the Ukraine. The right hand of the Lord is exalted, the right hand of the Lord is exalted, therefore, we shall not die but live and declare the Name of the Lord. I was before the Lord when I saw a hand, a hand of malice, a hand of ill gotten gain and the hand was broken. Then the Lord, tturned the image, and show me that the hand of Russia, that was formed in haste and out of anxiety shall be broken by the Lord in this manner. The decision of the Russian was a weapon formed in fire but in order for it to cool properly, they had to put it in water in a bucket but their fears and anxiety, an refusal to make the Ukrainians beneficiary of their futures, they became hostile and deceptive. This then is what I saw, the former(maker, framer) of the weapon placed it in the freezer to cool it fast, to use it quick, against his neighbour but when he used it with brute force, it broke and fell to the ground as the hand of a broken idol. Russia because of the spirit of regret and covetousness shall benefit by paying more to the Ukraine that it had to. It will be a burden on them and Putin's hand will be broken by the Lord. He has lifted up his hand against the righteous and has leaned on arm of the wicked, laying his head on the shoulder of his enemies and he shall fail. ... See MoreSee Less

2 years ago
The Global River

Psalms 27
Proverbs 29: 17
Hebrews 10:19
Today is Palm Sunday and
the Lord said, “When Satan attacks you, you should worship the Lord your God”. It is important that we maintain our stance in life by worshiping the Lord. Be very smart and wise, in these times, “Fight the devil with vision. Fight him with the blood of Jesus. Fight the good fight of faith.

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4 years ago
The Global River

Psalm 78: 15-20, John 1: 11-12, Heb 11: 13, 2 Chron 20: 7-11 ... See MoreSee Less

4 years ago
The Global River

Psalm 78: 15-20, John 1: 11-12, Heb 11: 13, 2 Chron 20: 7-11 ... See MoreSee Less

4 years ago
The Global River

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4 years ago
The Global River

Det 8: 18 ... See MoreSee Less

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Its time to step into the Moment. ... See MoreSee Less

Its time to step into the Moment.

We have to be married to Jesus Christ if we’re to be a true bride who is engaged to one husband lest Satan deceive us. This unfaithfulness allows the evil one to undermine the church and all that we are involved with. Let’s stand firm and United with one mind and enter our covenant contract with the Lord. Let us Worship Him.
Acts 2:1
Acts 5:2
1 Corinthians 1: 10-17
Ephesians 4: 1-16

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THE HAND OF THE BRUTUAL IS BROKEN. This is vision of the Lord against the people of the Ukraine. The right hand of the Lord is exalted, the right hand of the Lord is exalted, therefore, we shall not die but live and declare the Name of the Lord. I was before the Lord when I saw a hand, a hand of malice, a hand of ill gotten gain and the hand was broken. Then the Lord, tturned the image, and show me that the hand of Russia, that was formed in haste and out of anxiety shall be broken by the Lord in this manner. The decision of the Russian was a weapon formed in fire but in order for it to cool properly, they had to put it in water in a bucket but their fears and anxiety, an refusal to make the Ukrainians beneficiary of their futures, they became hostile and deceptive. This then is what I saw, the former(maker, framer) of the weapon placed it in the freezer to cool it fast, to use it quick, against his neighbour but when he used it with brute force, it broke and fell to the ground as the hand of a broken idol. Russia because of the spirit of regret and covetousness shall benefit by paying more to the Ukraine that it had to. It will be a burden on them and Putin's hand will be broken by the Lord. He has lifted up his hand against the righteous and has leaned on arm of the wicked, laying his head on the shoulder of his enemies and he shall fail. ... See MoreSee Less

Welcome to the chamber where we engage with the Father through His Son Jesus Christ. This prayer meeting is for all. Tonight we are engaging in 14 days of prayer and fasting. God says, it is for our health and well being. Now we turn this channel of prayer over to praying and interceding for President Vladimir Putin and the nation of Russia. Join us. ... See MoreSee Less

THE HAND OF THE BRUTUAL IS BROKEN. This is vision of the Lord against the people of the Ukraine. The right hand of the Lord is exalted, the right hand of the Lord is exalted, therefore, we shall not die but live and declare the Name of the Lord. I was before the Lord when I saw a hand, a hand of malice, a hand of ill gotten gain and the hand was broken. Then the Lord, tturned the image, and show me that the hand of Russia, that was formed in haste and out of anxiety shall be broken by the Lord in this manner. The decision of the Russian was a weapon formed in fire but in order for it to cool properly, they had to put it in water in a bucket but their fears and anxiety, an refusal to make the Ukrainians beneficiary of their futures, they became hostile and deceptive. This then is what I saw, the former(maker, framer) of the weapon placed it in the freezer to cool it fast, to use it quick, against his neighbour but when he used it with brute force, it broke and fell to the ground as the hand of a broken idol. Russia because of the spirit of regret and covetousness shall benefit by paying more to the Ukraine that it had to. It will be a burden on them and Putin's hand will be broken by the Lord. He has lifted up his hand against the righteous and has leaned on arm of the wicked, laying his head on the shoulder of his enemies and he shall fail. ... See MoreSee Less

Psalms 27
Proverbs 29: 17
Hebrews 10:19
Today is Palm Sunday and
the Lord said, “When Satan attacks you, you should worship the Lord your God”. It is important that we maintain our stance in life by worshiping the Lord. Be very smart and wise, in these times, “Fight the devil with vision. Fight him with the blood of Jesus. Fight the good fight of faith.

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Psalm 78: 15-20, John 1: 11-12, Heb 11: 13, 2 Chron 20: 7-11 ... See MoreSee Less

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Cover for Global Intercessory Prayer Initiatives
Global Intercessory Prayer Initiatives

Global Intercessory Prayer Initiatives


We are an appointed intercessory prayer group, appointed to pray for Kings, Presidents, Rulers, and

Don’t worry — God’s got you. Often, fear and worry go hand-in-hand so Paul doesn’t waste any time telling this group of believers not to be afraid, in any way, of those that would oppose them. The reason being — God is there to save them. He, again, plea to be anxious for nothing. He tells them, “The Lord is near,” followed by, “My God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus”. Being anxious for nothing means knowing the God of peace was with the Philippians , and He is with us, as well. To save us and to meet our needs.(Philippians 4:5-9) ... See MoreSee Less

We are inviting you to join us.
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And the Lord will say to you, fear not but present your request before me and I will answer them and will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Yea, I say the enemy has smitten my children but I tell you present your request and I will respond to you. ... See MoreSee Less

Thank You for following us. God bless you and bless your homes. ... See MoreSee Less

Thank you for watching and working with us. ... See MoreSee Less

We have to be married to Jesus Christ if we’re to be a true bride who is engaged to one husband lest Satan deceive us. This unfaithfulness allows the evil one to undermine the church and all that we are involved with. Let’s stand firm and United with one mind and enter our covenant contract with the Lord. Let us Worship Him.
Acts 2:1
Acts 5:2
1 Corinthians 1: 10-17
Ephesians 4: 1-16

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THE HAND OF THE BRUTUAL IS BROKEN. This is vision of the Lord against the people of the Ukraine. The right hand of the Lord is exalted, the right hand of the Lord is exalted, therefore, we shall not die but live and declare the Name of the Lord. I was before the Lord when I saw a hand, a hand of malice, a hand of ill gotten gain and the hand was broken. Then the Lord, tturned the image, and show me that the hand of Russia, that was formed in haste and out of anxiety shall be broken by the Lord in this manner. The decision of the Russian was a weapon formed in fire but in order for it to cool properly, they had to put it in water in a bucket but their fears and anxiety, an refusal to make the Ukrainians beneficiary of their futures, they became hostile and deceptive. This then is what I saw, the former(maker, framer) of the weapon placed it in the freezer to cool it fast, to use it quick, against his neighbour but when he used it with brute force, it broke and fell to the ground as the hand of a broken idol. Russia because of the spirit of regret and covetousness shall benefit by paying more to the Ukraine that it had to. It will be a burden on them and Putin's hand will be broken by the Lord. He has lifted up his hand against the righteous and has leaned on arm of the wicked, laying his head on the shoulder of his enemies and he shall fail. ... See MoreSee Less

Welcome to the chamber where we engage with the Father through His Son Jesus Christ. This prayer meeting is for all. Tonight we are engaging in 14 days of prayer and fasting. God says, it is for our health and well being. Now we turn this channel of prayer over to praying and interceding for President Vladimir Putin and the nation of Russia. Join us. ... See MoreSee Less

THE HAND OF THE BRUTUAL IS BROKEN. This is vision of the Lord against the people of the Ukraine. The right hand of the Lord is exalted, the right hand of the Lord is exalted, therefore, we shall not die but live and declare the Name of the Lord. I was before the Lord when I saw a hand, a hand of malice, a hand of ill gotten gain and the hand was broken. Then the Lord, tturned the image, and show me that the hand of Russia, that was formed in haste and out of anxiety shall be broken by the Lord in this manner. The decision of the Russian was a weapon formed in fire but in order for it to cool properly, they had to put it in water in a bucket but their fears and anxiety, an refusal to make the Ukrainians beneficiary of their futures, they became hostile and deceptive. This then is what I saw, the former(maker, framer) of the weapon placed it in the freezer to cool it fast, to use it quick, against his neighbour but when he used it with brute force, it broke and fell to the ground as the hand of a broken idol. Russia because of the spirit of regret and covetousness shall benefit by paying more to the Ukraine that it had to. It will be a burden on them and Putin's hand will be broken by the Lord. He has lifted up his hand against the righteous and has leaned on arm of the wicked, laying his head on the shoulder of his enemies and he shall fail. ... See MoreSee Less

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We have to be married to Jesus Christ if we’re to be a true bride who is engaged to one husband lest Satan deceive us. This unfaithfulness allows the evil one to undermine the church and all that we are involved with. Let’s stand firm and United with one mind and enter our covenant contract ...with the Lord. Let us Worship Him.
Acts 2:1
Acts 5:2
1 Corinthians 1: 10-17
Ephesians 4: 1-16

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Cash App $moneyinfinitaires

THE HAND OF THE BRUTUAL IS BROKEN. This is vision of the Lord against the people of the Ukraine. The right hand of the Lord is exalted, the right hand of the Lord is exalted, therefore, we shall not die but live and declare the Name of the Lord. I was before the Lord when I saw a hand, a hand of ...malice, a hand of ill gotten gain and the hand was broken. Then the Lord, tturned the image, and show me that the hand of Russia, that was formed in haste and out of anxiety shall be broken by the Lord in this manner. The decision of the Russian was a weapon formed in fire but in order for it to cool properly, they had to put it in water in a bucket but their fears and anxiety, an refusal to make the Ukrainians beneficiary of their futures, they became hostile and deceptive. This then is what I saw, the former(maker, framer) of the weapon placed it in the freezer to cool it fast, to use it quick, against his neighbour but when he used it with brute force, it broke and fell to the ground as the hand of a broken idol. Russia because of the spirit of regret and covetousness shall benefit by paying more to the Ukraine that it had to. It will be a burden on them and Putin's hand will be broken by the Lord. He has lifted up his hand against the righteous and has leaned on arm of the wicked, laying his head on the shoulder of his enemies and he shall fail.

Welcome to the chamber where we engage with the Father through His Son Jesus Christ. This prayer meeting is for all. Tonight we are engaging in 14 days of prayer and fasting. God says, it is for our health and well being. Now we turn this channel of prayer over to praying and interceding for ...President Vladimir Putin and the nation of Russia. Join us.

THE HAND OF THE BRUTUAL IS BROKEN. This is vision of the Lord against the people of the Ukraine. The right hand of the Lord is exalted, the right hand of the Lord is exalted, therefore, we shall not die but live and declare the Name of the Lord. I was before the Lord when I saw a hand, a hand of ...malice, a hand of ill gotten gain and the hand was broken. Then the Lord, tturned the image, and show me that the hand of Russia, that was formed in haste and out of anxiety shall be broken by the Lord in this manner. The decision of the Russian was a weapon formed in fire but in order for it to cool properly, they had to put it in water in a bucket but their fears and anxiety, an refusal to make the Ukrainians beneficiary of their futures, they became hostile and deceptive. This then is what I saw, the former(maker, framer) of the weapon placed it in the freezer to cool it fast, to use it quick, against his neighbour but when he used it with brute force, it broke and fell to the ground as the hand of a broken idol. Russia because of the spirit of regret and covetousness shall benefit by paying more to the Ukraine that it had to. It will be a burden on them and Putin's hand will be broken by the Lord. He has lifted up his hand against the righteous and has leaned on arm of the wicked, laying his head on the shoulder of his enemies and he shall fail.

Psalms 27
Proverbs 29: 17
Hebrews 10:19
Today is Palm Sunday and
the Lord said, “When Satan attacks you, you should worship the Lord your God”. It is important that we maintain our stance in life by worshiping the Lord. Be very smart and wise, in these times, “Fight the ...devil with vision. Fight him with the blood of Jesus. Fight the good fight of faith.

For donations:
PushPay Link
Cash App $moneyinfinitaires

We have to be married to Jesus Christ if we’re to be a true bride who is engaged to one husband lest Satan deceive us. This unfaithfulness allows the evil one to undermine the church and all that we are involved with. Let’s stand firm and United with one mind and enter our covenant contract ...with the Lord. Let us Worship Him.
Acts 2:1
Acts 5:2
1 Corinthians 1: 10-17
Ephesians 4: 1-16

For donations:
PushPay Link
Cash App $moneyinfinitaires

THE HAND OF THE BRUTUAL IS BROKEN. This is vision of the Lord against the people of the Ukraine. The right hand of the Lord is exalted, the right hand of the Lord is exalted, therefore, we shall not die but live and declare the Name of the Lord. I was before the Lord when I saw a hand, a hand of ...malice, a hand of ill gotten gain and the hand was broken. Then the Lord, tturned the image, and show me that the hand of Russia, that was formed in haste and out of anxiety shall be broken by the Lord in this manner. The decision of the Russian was a weapon formed in fire but in order for it to cool properly, they had to put it in water in a bucket but their fears and anxiety, an refusal to make the Ukrainians beneficiary of their futures, they became hostile and deceptive. This then is what I saw, the former(maker, framer) of the weapon placed it in the freezer to cool it fast, to use it quick, against his neighbour but when he used it with brute force, it broke and fell to the ground as the hand of a broken idol. Russia because of the spirit of regret and covetousness shall benefit by paying more to the Ukraine that it had to. It will be a burden on them and Putin's hand will be broken by the Lord. He has lifted up his hand against the righteous and has leaned on arm of the wicked, laying his head on the shoulder of his enemies and he shall fail.

Welcome to the chamber where we engage with the Father through His Son Jesus Christ. This prayer meeting is for all. Tonight we are engaging in 14 days of prayer and fasting. God says, it is for our health and well being. Now we turn this channel of prayer over to praying and interceding for ...President Vladimir Putin and the nation of Russia. Join us.

THE HAND OF THE BRUTUAL IS BROKEN. This is vision of the Lord against the people of the Ukraine. The right hand of the Lord is exalted, the right hand of the Lord is exalted, therefore, we shall not die but live and declare the Name of the Lord. I was before the Lord when I saw a hand, a hand of ...malice, a hand of ill gotten gain and the hand was broken. Then the Lord, tturned the image, and show me that the hand of Russia, that was formed in haste and out of anxiety shall be broken by the Lord in this manner. The decision of the Russian was a weapon formed in fire but in order for it to cool properly, they had to put it in water in a bucket but their fears and anxiety, an refusal to make the Ukrainians beneficiary of their futures, they became hostile and deceptive. This then is what I saw, the former(maker, framer) of the weapon placed it in the freezer to cool it fast, to use it quick, against his neighbour but when he used it with brute force, it broke and fell to the ground as the hand of a broken idol. Russia because of the spirit of regret and covetousness shall benefit by paying more to the Ukraine that it had to. It will be a burden on them and Putin's hand will be broken by the Lord. He has lifted up his hand against the righteous and has leaned on arm of the wicked, laying his head on the shoulder of his enemies and he shall fail.

Psalms 27
Proverbs 29: 17
Hebrews 10:19
Today is Palm Sunday and
the Lord said, “When Satan attacks you, you should worship the Lord your God”. It is important that we maintain our stance in life by worshiping the Lord. Be very smart and wise, in these times, “Fight the ...devil with vision. Fight him with the blood of Jesus. Fight the good fight of faith.

For donations:
PushPay Link
Cash App $moneyinfinitaires