The Great House FundRaising, Inc.

Connect with Us:

The Great House Food Bank

Expectations: Our outreach program entitles, “Expectations” is where we help Parents and Children through counseling to manage high stress situations, anxieties and frustrations; especially within the inner cities and amongst middle class families. Thereby, helping them to meet and fulfill their expectations and reach for their goals, prosperity and success in a fruitful manner.

FoodBank: Our community food bank provides food, clothing, shelter and aid to the unfortunate, disabled and the poor.

Funds: Our Foreign mission is the same as our domestic services, we raise funds and promote through proclamation and preaching the same ideals to a lost and dying world by the help of Almighty God.

Group Ministries will continue to expand in outreach as we work toward the development and implementation of services which will include:

  • Children Ministries Network
  • Christian Education
  • Community Programs- . Sexual Abstinence Program for Teens and youths
  • Alcohol Abuse Rehab Program
  • Feeding & Clothing Program
  • Women’s Outreach
  • Our Women-Minorities Enterprise, Business Development (WEB)
  • Music Ministries
  • Publishing & Business Services Management

Tenets of Faith

We believe the following

In the Sovereignty of God and The Preeminence of Christ (Isa 45:5, 48:16)

  • In Him Dwells the Fullness of The Godhead Bodily. Colossians 1:18, 2:9.
  • Jesus Christ is The Incarnate Son of The Living God, who is made both Lord and Christ.
  • The Scripture of Truth is the Inspired Word of God, revealing God’s will to Mankind. II Timothy 3:16
  • In the personal Salvation of Man, by the abundance of His (God’s) saving Grace. Ephesians 2:8.
  • Water Baptism into the fullness of The Godhead as a Confirmation of conversion through identification with Christ’s death, burial and resurrection; and it is the showing forth of a good conscience towards God. Matt. 28:19. I Peter 3:21
  • Baptism of the Holy Ghost , In-Filling of the Holy Ghost, and The Upon Realm dwelling of the Holy Ghost and is given by God to the believing for empowerment to service and the works of the Ministry. I Corinthians 11:24-34.
  • The Just Shall Live By Faith. Romans 1:17.
  • In the believer and the rights of the believer to fulfill their commitment to the terms of the covenant and to live the evidential lifestyle that depicts a CHRISTIAN. Mark 16:17-18
  • In the seven fundamental doctrines of Christ and its Devine Principles. A necessary foundation to detect errors and fraud, Hebrews 6:1-2.
  • The system of Tithing with the principal wisdom of the Law of Sowing and Reaping, and Giving and Receiving. Hebrews 7:1-16, Galatians 6:7-9
  • The Original Commission, The Recommission and The Great Commission as rudimentary to the Mandate of Christ and His Kingdom. Matthew 28:19, Genesis 1:28.
  • The Full Manifestation of Kingdom of God in its Strength and Power. Luke 11:2.
  • The Magna Carte of The Church: Faith Worketh By Love. Galatians 5:6.

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Inspirational Reminder

“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you too, can become great. When you are seeking to bring big plans to fruition, it is important with whom you regularly associate. Hang out with friends who are like-minded and who are also designing purpose-filled lives. Similarly be that kind of a friend for your friends.”
Mark Twain

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